Our design retains and reuses the listed façade of the site’s corner building, replaces redundant conference and exhibition facilities and restores Cannon Place’s streetscape with landscaping and new activity at ground-floor level. Standing comfortably between Regency terraced houses and the markedly larger grand seafront structures of The Metropole and The Grand hotels, the building’s façade mitigates in scale and character to add local context and a contemporary interpretation of the regency bay window.
Cannon Place Hotel includes 221 guest rooms, a restaurant, a bar, a gym and a meeting room suite.
The project aims to achieve a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating. Key to the energy strategy is a low-carbon approach led by air-source heat pump technology for the space heating and cooling systems, which are powered by low-carbon electricity. The scheme will also provide cyclist facilities to encourage sustainable travel, a blue roof for attenuation of surface water and new landscaping which will contribute to biodiversity and urban greening within the city centre.