In addition, the provision of parking under the podiums reduces the presence of cars within the scheme and maximises the residents’ amenities. Active building frontages help to animate the newly-established routes and connections through the site. The masterplan proposal opens up space and views around the Mary and St Joseph Roman Catholic Church, and the Church Green, providing some mixed-use activity at ground floor, which reinforces a community focus within the scheme.
We designed the original masterplan for the conversion of the former Blessed John Roche School into over 500 residential units, which later became New Festival Quarter developed by Bellway Homes in collaboration with other architects. The regeneration of this redundant brownfield site, located within the Lansbury Conservation area of Poplar, addresses both the character and appearance of the area. The apartment blocks and houses are arranged to form a series of defined podium courtyards, providing a clear hierarchy between public and private spaces.